One question is, can it happen that the present and the past are moving together, and the present and the past can occur at the same time? If your answer is yes, then you should understand that time is a unit that can only be found in one form at a time, meaning that if you are in present then, it is important to go into the past.
And if your answer is "NO". Then have you ever heard of Deja Vu? Deja Vu is a French word that means any feeling, idea, or illusion that has already happened.
After all, what is this Deja Vu?
Have you ever noticed that what you are doing right now is that you have already done it or the event you are seeing this time It seems as if the same event has already happened?
Have you ever been to a new place or place you have never seen before but have you ever felt as if you have seen this place before and noticed what you are feeling? You've already done that many of you have experienced these things but why do we feel that way? One such feeling is given the name Deja Vu.
People who realize this may think that these events have happened to them in the past, but this has never happened, but their motives are constantly assuming that they are all Events that have already happened. But why does it make sense to us in the end? What is the reason for Déjà vu?
According to a study done in 2004, 65% of the world's people have ever gone through this mysterious feeling. Some people say that the feeling of Déjà vu is a reminder of some of our past lives that are now suddenly encountered. But at the same time, our brain cannot remember all about these memories and we feel as if they are happening in the past.
Some scientists think that our brain is like a computer hard disk in which separate memories are stored in separate parts of the brain, and sometimes those memories are stored in an unknown folder of our brain. We have completely forgotten our conscious mind, but again those memories are still present in our brains. The only difference is that our conscious brain does not know in which part of the brain these memories are stored, and when we are going through a new observation or experience, all our conscious minds are buried in them. Turns it up again. And our conscious brain begins to compare these memories with current events, and for a few minutes now we feel as though what has happened in the past.
But scientists presenting this theory cannot yet know that the memories that are stored in our brain are memories of that period, or of any other period, or they are just an illusion.
In addition to this, those who believe in God or such supernatural powers believe that God gives rise to the emotions in their minds that help them alert their followers to future events.
But what is the real reason for Déjà vu is one of the great secrets of modern science. However, psychologists think that if you feel like giving up again it is against the norm, and in this case, you should consult a good doctor right away. Maybe our modern science could never understand this astonishing combination of past, future, and present. Maybe we can fully grasp interesting concepts like Déjà vu. Maybe in the future, we will find out what the mystery is of this Deja Vu?