Comets, the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud



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Comets come towards our Earth from two places or regions. There is a Kuiper Belt. This region is far from Neptune and the bodies included in this belt move in the same plane as the planets. Comets in the Kuiper Belt include Halley's Comet.

They travel in elliptical orbits around the Sun. These comets are sometimes called short-period comets because their orbital periods, or the time it takes to complete one cycle around the Sun, are measured in decades to centuries.  As their intervals are known or they can be predicted so we know they are not that dangerous.

Farther away from the Kuiper Belt is the Oort Cloud, which is a ball of comets that surrounds our solar system. Most of these comets are so far from the Sun (about a few light years) that they appear mostly stationary. Sometimes they enter our inner solar system by passing a star or as a result of a random collision. They are also called long-period comets. Because (if they return for some reason, then) their orbital period is for millions or millions of years. It is almost impossible to predict, so they are much more dangerous to Earth than short-period comets.



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