What is Condensation? Why do water droplets form on the outer surface of a glass or soda bottle



condensation evaporation distillation fractional distillation simple distillation steam distillation distillation process vacuum distillation fractional distillation of crude oil fractional distillation of petroleum azeotropic distillation equipment distillation def whats evaporation evapo transpiration distillation columns types of distillation evaporation water cycle azeotropic distillation evaporation and condensation water evaporation short path distillation flash distillation condenser chemistry evaporation condensation precipitation dephlegmator extractive distillation cryogenic distillation distillation unit batch distillation crude oil distillation dry distillation fractional distillation process astm d86 steam distillation process steam distillation of essential oils distillator water distillation unit essential oil still distillation chemistry simple distillation process essential oil extractor evaporation condensation crude distillation unit vacuum distillation unit atmospheric distillation kugelrohr simple and fractional distillation ethanol distillation distillation of petroleum oil distillation pressure swing distillation evaporation pond distillation condenser essential oil distillation distillation of salt water fractional distillation bbc bitesize evaporation in plants double distillation potash pond distillation bbc bitesize meaning of evaporation in science distillation of seawater evaporation of salt water coal tar distillation evaporation of liquid use of distillation bbc bitesize distillation distillation of wine distillee micro distillation evaporation ks2 evaporation is evaporation is a evaporation of water is distillation slideshare heat of condensation evaporation cycle water distillation system distillation and fractional distillation astm distillation evaporation condensation and precipitation evaporation to dryness evaporation of water is a about evaporation kugelrohr distillation cryogenic distillation process distillation is is evaporation examples of evaporation and condensation differential distillation simple distillation and fractional distillation potential evaporation the process of distillation condensation evaporation astm d2887 distillation of coal multicomponent distillation atmospheric distillation unit solar evaporation distillation system cold distillation double distillation unit steam distillation slideshare steam distillation equipment evaporation in science fractional distillation of ethanol and water rayleigh distillation astm d1160 fractional distillation of coal solvent distillation crude distillation crude oil distillation process binary distillation in fractional distillation evaporation and distillation distillation unit price bidistilled water water vapor turns into water distillation of alcohol chemistry distillation glassware vapor compression distillation fractional distillation slideshare astm d7169 vacuum distillation equipment kjeldahl distillation unit salt evaporation evaporation in plants is called methanol distillation evaporation of water from plants in evaporation essential oil distillation equipment fractional distillation and simple distillation vacuum still filtration and distillation oil distillation process salt evaporation pond distillation organic chemistry rotovap distillation vacuum distillation process industrial distillation evaporation of seawater water and steam distillation effect of evaporation water evaporates into the air q line distillation cannabis distillation equipment the process of fractional distillation distillation of ethanol from fermentation small distillery for essential oils water cycle evaporation condensation precipitation methanol in moonshine fractional distillation equipment distillation of wood high vacuum distillation astm d2892 humidity and evaporation types of distillation process distillation unit for laboratory reduced pressure distillation fractional distillation of coal tar small distillation unit for essential oils atmospheric distillation of crude oil use of fractional distillation steam distillation unit the evaporation distillation of ethanol and water ethanol water distillation azeotropic distillation process types of fractional distillation fractional distillation of ethanol water distillation unit for laboratory is distillation molecular distillation equipment distillation purification distillation is the process of distillation science types of purified water in evaporation water changes into dry distillation of sodium propanoate dh2o chemistry double distillation process water vapor to water tbp distillation salt and water evaporation surface condensation evaporation salt and water the evaporation of water from plants liquid to water vapor sea water evaporation surface evaporation evaporation in hydrological cycle actual evaporation evaporation from water surface evaporation in hydrology salt solution evaporation lake evaporation sun water cycle evaporation of salt solution evaporation and condensation of water

    Water does not come from a bowl due to condensation but the surrounding air. Water vapor is the gaseous form of water that exists in air below the boiling point of water. Since it takes a lot of energy to turn water into vapor, the molecules in the air have higher thermal energy than the molecules in the cold glass. As a result, when the water molecules collide with the glass, they transfer most of their thermal energy to the glass. The cold water molecules form water droplets on the glass in the water. It is called condensation. This process will also happen on window sills when the outside air is cold and the room air is hot and humid.

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