Did you know that the temperature of the Earth's core is the same as the surface temperature of the Sun?



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The interior of the Earth is made up of molten metal with a temperature of about 6000 degrees Celsius and the temperature of the surface of the Sun is about 5500 degrees Celsius. This means that the interior of the Earth is hotter than the surface of the Sun in our solar system.

The central part of the Earth (Core) is its central sphere that makes up the structure of the Earth. It is mainly composed of iron with 5 to 10 percent nickel and very small amounts of lighter elements such as sulfur and oxygen. Its diameter is about 3500 km, which is more than the diameter of Mars and it is 32% of the total mass of the Earth. Its internal pressure is millions of times higher than the pressure on the surface and the temperature can be more than 6700 degrees Celsius.

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